Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Big Brother: This season's Brigade Alliance & POV Ceremony

Well, well, well...let's catch up...Rachel & Brendon have already started the Showmance of the season..Enzo, Hayden, Matt & Lane have formed a Brigade Alliance and they quickly decided that the Showmance pairing must end. Hayden nominated Rachel & Brendon. We caught up? goes POV night.

In dealing with the fall out of both Brendon & Rachel ending up on the block, Annie follows them into the bedroom to talk about how shocked she is. Lane follows to listen and make sure that no one realizes about the Brigade. He quickly tells his Alliance that Annie is in an Alliance with Rachel & Brendon and therefore cannot be trusted. All four guys agree that they need to watch what they say around Annie now.

And we break for a quick little make-out session in the hammock between Brendon & Rachel while the rest of the house watches from the kitchen. Of course, remember that the first on-camera sex involved Amanda and David during Season four's "Ex Factor" twist.

Time to pick players for the POV competition. The two nominees & the HoH each draw the other three players. The competitors are HoH Hayden, who draws Enzo, Brendon, who draws Andrew, & Rachel, who draws Monet. Of course, she's not happy at her pick as she wanted Annie & rolls her eyes. This does not go unnoticed by Monet who states she would love to deck her for it.

Before the competition, the Brigade Alliance meets up in the HoH room to discuss the best way to handle things if either Brendon or Rachel win POV. They feel that since Annie is in an alliance with Brendon and Rachel that backdooring Annie will be the best bet. Brendon goes up to the HoH room to make an offer to Hayden to play the game for the long term, not just for the week and to pull Brendon off the block. Brendon tells him that if they strike a deal then Brendon will not put Hayden up when he's HoH. If Hayden won't make the deal, and Brendon pulls himself off the block, then Hayden is the next one up. Hayden doesn't make the deal and Brendon declares that he has made a very dangerous enemy.

During the POV competition, the houseguests walk out to the backyard to find pinatas filled with rotten mayonnaise. The players have to smash the pinatas to find letters to spell a word. Whoever locks in the longest word within 10 minutes will win POV. The six players quickly begin smashing the pinatas splashing rotten mayo all over the place. Of course, Andrew states that mayo is kosher so it's okay if some splashes in his mouth. (Take two shots if you're playing the Big Brother drinking game!)

Hayden spells POSSIBLE (8 letters), Enzo spells FACTORY (7 letters), Rachel spells CHEMISTRY (9 letters), Monet spells CHEATERS (8 letters), Brendon spells UNDERSTANDING (13 letters) and Andrew spells PASTUERIZED but he spells it wrong, leaving Brendon with the longest word and the POV. Of course, he is going to take himself off of the block.

Hayden knows he has to put up a replacement and he's also worried that Brendon is going to be gunning for him.

Matt and Enzo are up in the HoH room discussing who would be better to take out: Rachel or Annie? They decide now is the time to backdoor Annie and pass on the information to Hayden.

Enzo, Hayden & Matt bring Britney upstairs to ask what will happen if Annie goes up. She quickly agrees that Annie needs to go.

Britney and Annie talk up in the HoH room. Britney tells Annie that Hayden asked about Annie's alliance with Rachel and Brendon. Annie immediately went downstairs to talk to Hayden. Is the drama starting? Why I believe so!!

Annie tells Hayden that Britney told her that the boys thought that Annie was in an alliance. She tells Hayden that it's not true and that Britney is just stirring up trouble.

Lane and Hayden are talking in the pantry. Lane thinks that they could control Annie a bit more for future votes and that they should put up Kathy instead to keep drama to a minimum.

The Saboteur pops back up on the tv screen. He/she tells the group that two people are actually life long friends and that if they really think about it, it's really easy to figure out who it is. Brendon says it might be a trick but Britney says there's no way that it's a lie. Immediately, the houseguests begin throwing out suspicions about who the real friends are. Andrew swears that no one in the house could be his friend because nobody knows anything about Judaism. (Take another shot people!)

The POV meeting...Brendon takes himself off the block and Hayden nominates Annie. Annie immediately gets pissed and blames Britney. Tomorrow is the live eviction ceremony!!

I thought Annie would have been smarter than this. I thought she understood how to play the game. Instead, she is drawing attention to herself and showing herself to be a drama queen. I'll be very surprised if she does not go home.

Also...who is the Saboteur? Do you think that they are just trying to stir up drama with the whole "two of you already are friends" announcement? We shall see!!!

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