Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I'm so addicted to email, Facebook and Twitter, I have to hide it from my wife - Telegraph

I'm so addicted to email, Facebook and Twitter, I have to hide it from my wife - Telegraph

As I write this, someone is sending a sheep my way via Farm Town on Facebook, I have been invited to join two Mafia's and someone I don't know in Australia is asking to be my friend so I can join her Sorority.

Hold on...be right back...

Sorry, thought I had a response to my tweet but it was just my Blackberry notifying me I had email from some Nigerian prince's nephew.

I love Twitter. I used to love Facebook because I was able to talk to a bunch of people from high school. Now I am inundated with Mafia, Pirates, Farm Town and hug requests that I can't bear to log in there anymore. I am still addicted to Twitter and don't see that passion fading anytime soon at least until the Mafia bots swarm there too.

I have been yelled at by my seven year old daughter because I tweet at the dinner table. When on vacation, I used the time at rest stops to catch up with the hundred or so postings of people I follow and posted a few new ones of my own.

Wait just a moment....

Sorry, @ThatKevinSmith & @cyborgturkey are too funny to not read and my honey, @EthanRayne just got home...

Where was I? Oh yeah...my Twitter addiction...

Of course, it's not just Twitter. I also check my email compulsively. I got a Blackberry just so I could check my email compulsively. I rarely use it as a phone. In fact when it does ring, I stare at it blankly wondering what the hell is going on.

I need to cut back on my Twitter, just as I need to cut back on my World of Warcraft game time. Without Twitter though, there are a host of people I never would have met. I wouldn't have met the man of my dreams, wouldn't have met my adopted Twitter brother or met the host of other people I now consider friends, though we have not met in person.

I have local friends of course. I have my Rollerderby sisters, my co-workers and my other friends that I probably don't talk to half as much as I should because life has just gotten too damn busy. I love my Twitter family and am happy to be a part of that community. I just need to learn when to NOT check my messages or tweet...

Like now...


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